A downloadable tool

The CompactStar engine is a tiny game engine I'm using for my own purposes. With the existence of very efficient and low cost, sometimes even free, 3D engines like Unity, Unreal or Panda, I know that the reasons that motivated me to write my own 3D game engine may appear somewhat strange, especially when the result is lower than these engines.

However I had several reasons to do that:

  1. I wanted to learn something, and to confront myself to the difficulty to create a such engine.
  2. I wanted to have a game engine as tiny as possible, with just the functionalities I needed.
  3. I wanted to remain as independent as possible when creating several of my projects.

It's the reason why this engine exists.

Here are the actual supported features

  • Simple shapes creation (surface, box, sphere, cylinder, disk, ring, spiral and capsule)
  • Quake I (.mdl), Inter-Quake Model (.iqm), DirectX (.x, partially), Collada (.dae, partially) and WaveFront (.obj, partially) models
  • Animations for Quake I (.mdl), Inter-Quake Model (.iqm), DirectX (.x) and Collada (.dae) models
  • Skybox
  • Landscape generation
  • Transparency
  • Bump mapping
  • Full-scene antialiasing and post-processing effects
  • Collision detection (partially - geometry, ground and mouse collision)
  • Particles system (early stage, see the Weather demo and Spaceship game demo)
  • Physics (early stage, see the Wild Soccer demo)
  • Artificial intelligence (early stage, see the Bot demo)
  • Sound and music
  • Cross-platform SDK written in C
  • Objective-C Metal renderer for OSX/iOS (experimental)

Without real pretensions, I decided to publish it here, just for fun.

Github: https://github.com/Jeanmilost/CompactStar


CompactStarv1.10.zip 96 MB
CompactStarv1.09.zip 95 MB
CompactStarv1.08.zip 93 MB
CompactStarv1.07.zip 85 MB

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